Saturday, November 12, 2011

97 kia sephia smokes when you first start it up?

i have a 97 kia sephia that when you first start it, will blow thick exhaust smoke out of the back. it smells like burnt smoke. it will do that after it has been sitting up for awhile, but if you let it sit for awhile, it will not do it. after it has been running for awhile, it will quit.|||valve stem seals could be bad or oil returns plug and the valve are submerge in oil. is it hard stating in the morning it could be fuel injector leaking down over night or coolant getting into a cylinder these are most of what could cause this. valve steam seal could be it.|||It's fine, the car set a bit much fuel on start up to have easy start up. As long the smoke dissappear after engine running, nothing to worried. As long the smoke doesn't come in black, don't worry because the sparking is normal. Do an easy test by using the eyes, if the eyes is not harm then no over rich fuel. Don't forget to do a scheduled tune up.|||Sounds like the engine is sludged up. When the oil is blocked from returning to the oil pan, it will leak past the valve guides into the cylinders. When you start the motor up it will burn just that oil that leaked into the cylinders and then it will stop.

Have the oil changed and checked for sludge.|||Some oil is getting past the rings---or you have excess fuel staying in the motor after you shut it off---or--you need a dealer or good mechanic to look at it. Smoke is NOT good--regardless of the reason. YOU cannot fix it--its all internal problems. ---you need a mechanic. Good luck|||My guess is valve seals. Try LUCAS oil stabilizer , found almost everywhere.

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