Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is the names of the robot and teddy bear in the kia commercial?

does anyone know what the names of the robot and teddy bear are in the kia commercial and where they are from or where i can get them? I have the other three just need these two.Thanks to all who answer.|||In order ....

The brown furry that resembles a badly

made pinata wearing a top hat is called ...

" Mr. X "


" Mr. X Bugaloo "


Blabla Toys

can be found here...




" Muno "



Can be found here...



" Sock Monkey

{ with mom tattoo

and red bowtie } "


Rockford Red Heel

The sock monkey has numerous

sites and can be made at home...

one such kit can be found here ...



The bear is typical fur-lined teddy

with pronounced features ....

Not determined where the bear is from

originally as it might just be a handmade

custom ...

{ the pronounced features

so the camera can see it better }


" Radar Robot "


This reproduction was

actually based

on the '50s classic ...

{which had several variations}

" Easelback Robot "


Further detail will reveal that

the robot toy in the ad has

had further modifications of it's own ...

The " radar coil " would become

a cherry domelight

the arms would become stockier

and the toy itself would no longer be tin

This would be done not only to make it

safer and more accomodating - but also

to change the toy just enough to deter

copyright infringement from the original

The wind-up can be found here...

also the "easelback repros" can

still be found on vintage toy sites



The ad is called " The Joyride " and each toy represents

technology, current trends, security, agility - and fun

{although they are just typical toys found in a family car}


Bumble smilez**


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